me : you think we will be like them when we're their age?
partner : sure, women no matter at what age like to window shop!
me : lol ! but -_- I meant as seemingly loving as they are ....
What do you think? is he right about women?
*photo taken right after the conversation
Yesterday's peace sign is actually a peace pole , pointed out by Ruth of East Lansing. Apparently there're about 200,000 signs placed around the world. May be your town/city have one?
I think he is right about women like doing window shopping :)
BTW, that couple look like my parents in law ;)
I LOVE this photo.
cosy couple, nice photo Kris.
lovely shot, Kris!
... wonderful treatment!
There is a lot of feeling in this photo. I love it, Kris.
This photo has soul (and very sensible shoes ;-). Lovely!
tres belle photo sur le temps qui passe. bravo, c'est de l'amour ta photo et de l'espoir.
very beautiful photograph over the time which passes. cheer, it is love your photograph and hope.
beautiful sentiment...to have someone to walk hand in hand with when one gets old...it's a blessing.
Both love and peace should have a chance to endure. Loving photo!
Oh how I love this capture :) It is beautiful to see old love in this day and age.
Thanks for stopping by my site - and do come again!
beautifull... black and white back... and colorfull first plan...
Hey kris, I like to drop by so I linked u in my blog hope u dont mind... see u
Men! They just don't get it!
Great photo, it has a lot of feeling and I hope to be them in a whole bunch of years.
your partner is a real man as I see:) isnt he Hungarian?:)
I asked Zsolt the other day cos there were quite few old couples (as in going out together like this) and he said the statistics is strangely so for Hungary, Hungarian men have a relatively short life expectancy (66.5 years)and women is about ten years more
Kris, this is certainly a very great shot;)
Long lasting love and walking through life together is a great picture.
Window shopping isn't bad either...
I love the post processing you have done here, looks great!
Curly's Photoshop
Wonderful thoughtful photograph.
They do deserve our envy don't they?
When I see an old couple walking together down the street it always reminds me of that beautiful Beatles song which of course you know...
... when I'm 64 ...
Oh, what a moving photo. I tried post a comment to your Prayer POle photo but not sure it came through: we have many of them around here, including next door to me, as the world headquarters of the World Peace Prayer Society is right down the road from us, about 10 miles away, in Wassaic NY. I've been there and worked with them on many occasion!
great capture.
so charming photo, so chariming moment, so charming and clever Kris.
and very sweet feeling in the photo and comments...
great post for today!!
I like this photo. Nice use of B/W and color to create the mood. There is a lot of emotion in this photo.
the comment was posted, Jenny :) see my reply there.
after starting DP, i've learnt so many interesting things .
erm..i didnt know!! perhaps the tune not the name :D
on the streets of szentes you'll see the same. That's why this couple made such an imression on me.
too manly, i think :P . Yes, he is hungarian :)
high 5!
of course. You may not see your link here as I prefer to bookmark under favourites. :)
may we have the same blessings ;)
sure they didnt jump on a plane for a holiday here?
Thank you all for stopping by!
Yeah sure always buying nonstop, 24 hrs a day. No, just kidding. I find it a very funny dialogue though. Well at least they are still together in spite of all the window shopping years.-)
Yes, you will be just like this couple when you and hubby are their age. And yes, women like to window shop.
Thanks, Denton :)
Like Susan said, Men just dont get it !
if you cant fight them, join them !!
This is so lovely. I love it.
What a beautiful photo. To me it speaks of a life long love. Great shot!
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