Apparently this is a peace pole as pointed out by Ruth of East Lansing. Thanks, Ruth!
extract from wiki : The Peace Pole Project was started in Japan by The World Peace Prayer Society in 1955 ..more. Look around, perhaps your city/town have one as well.
*This ghostly image is the result of multi-exposure (merging) which makes it easier to present all sides in one
Kris, Can I be YOU when I grow up? Your photos this week, all of them, are just superb. You should be very proud of this work. Colors, point of view, composition. . .just excellent.
I echo the sentiments of these signs. Peace be with you, and with us all.
What a lovely message AND PHOTO. No need to wait for Xmas to spread that message, it should be with us all year round. Thanks!
Wonderful message...the photo is brilliant too.
Great message ... I have played with multiple exposures and find the results enjoyable.
great photo.and great ideas: may peace be with you~~
i always enjoy seeing your brilliant and artistic photos.
tres belle photo et tres beau message. on dirait des cristaux.
very beautiful photograph and very beautiful message. crystals would be said.
maybe its an exhibition..isnt it? I like its style....the sentence remind me to the beauty contests:)
I agree with everyone. Fine message and photo too, Kris.
Thanks a lot for this post!
You've done it again!
Let's there be peace for all of us so we can continue sharing the wonders of photography.
such an important message, lovely framing Kris.
have a nice and peaceful week ahead.
I agree, Kris, great photograph. This is a Peace Pole. We have at least one in East Lansing. You can read about them at wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_pole. There is one at the North Pole, the pyramids at Giza, at Hiroshima -- all over the world! It's a wonderful project that began in 1955. How great that you have one now!
I'll try to snap a pic of East Lansing's peace pole one of these days. Hey, maybe your visitors can see if there is one in their locale. We could have a theme about it.
I support that phrase. Peace is so difficult to get, let's work for it.
A great hug
hear! hear!
thanks for the link! i will update the link in my post as well as mentioning in my following post. YOU'RE A GENIUS!
yeah, yeah..cliché answers LOL!
i've seen some did it using film and the result can be magic!
Thanks, Kim! we can switch! you know that photo of airplane in your DP? i cant forget it .even started to sketch and intend to paint it !
Thank you all for you visits!
wonderful ghostly image, Kris!
hmmm...am not sure if we have a peace pole. maybe we do..
will watch out for it
Those folks who planted the Peace Pole get around. They planted one in my grandmother's front yard years ago. It finally fell down, though. I think some vandals knocked it over. I guess the message was lot on them.
Great message & very good picture!
Interesting picture! Saw Ruth's this am, too. Yes, we have two that I've found in St. Paul and there's probably more. One was installed at my former school by a group of students and the other is in front of a church on Summit Avenue. I copied the Peace Prayer and intend to use it for family dinners.
How wonderful that you have a peace pole there! There are many around here, including next door to my house, as the world headquarters of the World Peace Prayer Society is just down the road from here, less than 10 miles away, in Wassaic, New York! I've been there many times and my community center has collaborated on projects with them.
i'm certain Philiphines at least have one.
salvage it !!!
you mean that you copied for your own yard? that's great!
hmmm..i guess of the 200,000 poles are in USA. Say thanks to them for starting this interesting project!
Thank you all for visiting!
Maybe is a peace pole. Be it or not, the important thing is the message.
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