History of supermarts is considered new in our town, as only 39 years ago the first such biz. was set-up. Needless to say, it was THE place to shop. These days, like anywhere else in the world, people here prefer to shop at nearby hyper-mart (Tesco). So, the ABCs are more of a back-up for emergencies purchases or for perishable.
In your country, is there another meaning to "ABC" ?
because we're both from the same country, I have no other meaning to ABC other than it being the first 3 alphabets.
have a great week kris!
this is such a cool photo. love the szentes dp at the back
hmmm,just as it is, letter from the alphabet.
but JApanese people would pronounce it....
ey (A) bi(B) shi (C)
superbe photo et ton tag est genial.
superb photograph and your tag are brilliant.
Delicious! Hungarian deli. It doesn't get better than that!
delicious display, hehe.
no we don't have anything similar, while we have a few big supermarkets there're less and less small private shops because they can't compete with the low prices of the big ones.
Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa
ABC-Liikennemyymälä Marjala, Joensuu
ABC-Liikennemyymälä, Kitee
ABC-Liikennemyymälä, Joensuu
This means :
Northern Karelia has
ABC shopping place "Marjala"
" " " " Kitee"
" " " "Joensuu"
They are always open and you can get a petrol as well from these places. I will put same photos about them after my trip.
Thank you, Kris, for your comment and wishes!
Have a nice week !
I really like the tiles. The only ABC I can think of in Michigan, U.S.A is "ABC Warehouse" which is a discount appliance store.
A nice, atmospheric shot. It reminds me very much of a small supermarket I go to whenever I'm in Samobor (a small town near Zagreb in Croatia where I stay quite often). The sausage/cooked meat counter looks almost exactly like this one.
Either, "It's easy as ABC" (meaning the first letters a child should learn...the basics)
...or the American Broadcast Company....not sure if this is what you were going for?
As in most other countries, the big boys are taking over and small businesses suffer. I wish it was different. I'd like to shop; I'd probably get better personal service.
In Australia, ABC is Australian Broadcasting Corporation and it's a government TV and radio station. Excellent programmes they have!
ABC = Air Batu Campur, for the dessert.
There's also ABC soup. Which is Carrots, Potato and Onion soup. I don't know why, but when you order ABC soup, it's that soup! haha...
its interesting to read your post about ABC.:)
In my childhood all the grocery stores were ABCs. No Tesco, Cora, Auchan, Spar etc...
The word ABC refers to the third three letters of the alphabets..they wanted to say with this: you can find here everything A..and...B...and..C...and etc.
But in Budapest you could never find ABC. For some reason here they called ABC stores as KÖZÉRT which means: for the public.
YOu can recognise easily who was born in Budapest and who not if you ask about this stores. If he/she calls them ABC he/she is from the country side...if he/she says KÖZÉRT... he/she is definitelly from Budapest.:)
You find always interesting things:)
In malaysia, ABC stands for Air Batu Campur, which is mound of shaved ice topped with syrup and other ingredients. Lovely dessert on a hot day :)
On, the deli section. Don't show it to Ben - he just go nuts on deli meat.
abc aka Australian Broadcasting Commission, my favourite and advert free... for now at least.
Aldi supermarts have started up here as an alternative.
I'm inspired to become a real photographer as I only pass on events etc rather than photography as such
Very interesting post and quite yummy too. The small supermarket stores I know around here are called “convenient stores”
I love this photo. I love these glimpses of other countries.
Lots of people here call the alphabet the ABC's. Kids especially call it learning the ABC's
Here (in Greenville) ABC is the common reference for Alcoholic Beverage Control. In years past South Carolina had laws which limited signs on liquor stores. The signs could only say ABC and have three red dots. I'm not joking!
i didnt think you were! see, i glad to learn a new abbreviation ;)
yup, even my mom who doesnt speak a word of English knows to tell her grandchildren learn their abc's :D
convenient stores always mean 7/11 to me!
interesting. ABC is the govn. channel, no? its unusual they dont require adverts. sponsorship to sustain their biz.
if you set your mind, you'll achieved your dream to become a photographer i'm sure. As for me, I get turn off easily by the technicalities of this hobby
hahahahahah..Men !!!
yes, it always manage to chase the HOT away for me ;)
that's what my partner explained to me. As usual I throw back a question, why not name it A to Z ? (A es Z ?) he was silent for a sec. lol!
I'll remember KÖZÉRT when I visit Bp. so, I wont be identified as outsider ;)
oh yes! Edwin forgot about ABC soup. One of my fave. soups actually!
C is corp. as I remembered. but one of the comment state commission..am confused. Anyway, they have Kylie Kwong cooking show, so its cool!
these days, the small grocers have self-service policy, the human interaction is limited as well ..
oh yes, why not :)
i'm sure we share lots of similarity with croatia .
without the tiles, i think it would be boring
wow! lots of example. First i must learn how to pronounce ! You have fun with your trip!
that is the sad reality. I wonder what will be the next IN thing ten years down the line. Perhaps, it is the hyper-marts turn to be extinct
quite similar to english!
you forgot ABC soup lah!
when someone says "ABC" I think of the ABC stores we have here in Waikiki - literally called "ABC"
was interesting to read all the varitions of ABC. wasn't there a beer called ABC. at least in singapore there was. anyone can confirm this??
ABC is American Borned Chinese - normally they speaks fluent English with a very strong accent, when you first see them (as they didn't speak yet,) you will see an absolute Chinese, they are called ABC
Another ABC is a shop which sells very cheap stuff at one dollar or few dollars, there used to be one at Peninsula Plaza (near City Hall Station)
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