Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The news is in

The first baby of the year was born on Jan 4, a baby boy! I like his unique name, Csanád (pronounced chah-nad) . Sorry, I have no direct link to the photo of the baby. He is of course adorable. Oh, the mother shared an interesting story with the reporter..

"I had kept the gender of the baby a secret from the rest of the family. But everyone has already guessed that it would be a boy as my stomach was pointy and turns out they were spot-on!"
Happy birthday, Csanád!
ps. Someone commented in NYDP (Ming's) that s/he feels "creepy" about taking photos of children discreetly especially without their parents. Which prompte me to ask the moral question. Perhaps I should ask for permission in the future; however, it would means no more candid shots, hmm..what do you guys think?


photowannabe said...

I sometimes feel odd taking childrens pictures too. that's why a lot of my pictures of people are from the back. It really is a moral dilemma.

Felicia said...

As a parent I don't want strangers posting photos of my children (with or without my knowledge). But I do think that children are a great subject - so much expression, energy, and innocence - and have posted some photos of kids after asking their parent.

Olivier said...

le b&w donne cette impression de douceur, de tendresse. superbe

the b&w gives this impression of softness, of tenderness. superb

JaamZIN said...

I find this photo discrete enough...and very cute

Kris said...

Like Louz, I find photos with human is lively and is very hard not to be tempted to push the zoom button.

I think I already knew the answer to my question , but just trying to justify what I did. I guess it is some sort of invasion of privacy.

Thank you all for your valuable input :)

Meg said...

I just don't bother with people in shots intentionally any more. I love photos with people, but I can't reach a conclusion about whether to ask permission, (and like you say, no candids) or just shoot. I'm especially nervous about children. Sad, really.

maiylah said...

that's really the main reason why i tend to shy away from people shots ... like what louz pointed out. but if they do happen to be in the "way" (or they make the shot look "nicer"), i make sure that the face isn't recognizable, or do some post processing. :)

Bill said...

No one was born in Hurgry on January 1,2, or 3?

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