Given that what i've written about taxis back in April is still valid, am gonna take a short cut by just copy & pasting it here again ...
"Unlike the taxis in Edinburgh , ours are plain as can be. There are no regulations that say taxis must be of certain car model. The only standardisation are the stickers on the doors and the usual light box on the top. Hence, taxis here can be 4 wheel-drive or even station wagons."
Click numbers below to get to know others' taxis around the world :-
1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 45- 46- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52
Excellent, they even advertise for SDP!
Very nice perspective of taxis in line. I like the red one that adds a cheerful touch in this rainy setting.
Good photo. I like the color mix with B&W. The rain adds a nice touch. Also, it must be nice to have your website address on the back window of taxies.
Love close-ups! the colors and shine are so clear!!
Great shot Kris, you've managed the theme day well. You have a lot of different sorts of taxis over there. And yes, the rain works well.
I like the mix of color and B/W here.
Belle photo avec le contrasme Couleur et le noir et blanc.
J'aime bien ta maniere de placer ton copyrightn tu trouves toujours un endroit original et qui ne pollue pas tes photos
Very nice shot Kris. Were you standing under an umbrella to take this photo or were you inside of the car?
And you got it, that photo has drama, and good effect in monochrome, you added your professional view.
Greetings from Perú
That white taxi sure can take in lots of luggage. Best taxis for people arriving from airports.
Great shot and even better photoshop.... how about a bumper sticker "My other car is a computer?"
its really interesting the Budapest taxis are more decorated then those in other cities of Hungary. Maybe in a small town its not profitable to advertise like this. I like that you made the background black and white!
I like the B&W effect of the background. Very nice!
Translation of Olivier's comment:
Great photo with the contrast of colour and Black and white. I love the way you always manage to place your copyright note in an original place that doesn't pollute your photos.
Would agree with all of it. Brilliant!
i agree the rain spiced it up. how did you arrange the rain, hehe =)
Beautiful photo!!
Some rain, some romatic mood~~
so nice and warm added to our theme day photo!!
Very nice new posts here since my last visit ! Love your link serie about taxis it's a great idea !
Have a nice sunday :-)
i like how the background 'fades' and the taxis are highlighted. great composition! yes.. the rain adds more 'drama'. ;-)
You are right, I do like thte rain. Something about rain makes finding a taxi so much more urgent, don't you think? Are these drivers going to rip people off, or do they charge a standard rate and stick to it?
I din't know the theme of to-day was the taxis. So, I try to make it better next time !
Great choice using bw to emphasize just the taxis. You are right rain dramatizes the scene.
The rain absolutely enhances this shot.. and makes me jealous. I want rain!
Very shiny taxis
I like the line up effect!
multi-colored taxis! lovely shot!
here, i think most taxis are just either white or yellow ...
now, that's kind of boring (for me, hehehe) but functional. ;)
if u have browse through others' taxis, yellow is the most used colours!
yeah, i'm bored of summer already. Give us rain!!
you can check the forum for updates of next month's theme. I'll give you the link to the forum at your site in a bit :)
I hardly use the cab services here, twice to be exact. Yes, they do stick to the price. After all we're a small town. No point jeopadising his/her own livlyhood. Although in bigger cities, like Budapest, the experience might be diff. :)
i wish so hard for it!!
once again, thanks for the translation. I really appreciate it :)
you got a point. ours are the same old same old.. ;)
lol !! next time :p :D
my one hand was holding the umbrella the other holding the cam. but i was glad :)
merci! c'est amusement à penser à un espace pour s'adapter dans le URL ;)
yes, I was hoping there are more than 2 taxis waiting ;)
Thank u all for passing by .It was great fun learning about the diff. taxis of the world!
Yes, you were right about the rain - great effect.
One thing I've noticed while on my trip to Boston - we dont seem to use Taxis as much here in the islands as others do in the states - very interesting photos of Taxis from around the world.
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