Excuse the mindless post, I just have to share with you guys yesterday's random find, a vintage Citroën (Model club xxx?). Oh it's in good condition, no pimping needed, and I wish it's my ride!
For those who are in the dark about what's "Pimp my ride", click here
My daughter and I love to watch that show - lol!!
great find!!
Sam : it's one of my fave. as well . Everyone loves a fairy tale story ;)
In Portugal this car was very popular, and it is very dear for lovers of cars...
Mindless post no way, this is a great find.
My kids won't miss Pimp my ride, love this car and love the way the fenders have been painted red.
Buffed to perfection and what a classic! Mindless? Get outta here! And it looks like it has a life too...a distant french cousin of Herbie's.
this car looks amazing!! considering it´s an old one it`s in such good shape..
It just needs the little pom pom around the windows to get pimped out. Perhaps in orange?
it sure is unique and I like the effect of this shot!
wonderful job, Kris!!
really love what you did with the photo...!!
Cool car! For some reason (I honestly don't know why) we call it "Ente" (duck) over here.
Nice shot... and you've got enough space betwen you and the car to take the picture - wouldn't happen here
Fantastic car, great find, great shot!
What a cool car! Not mindless at all. :)
I'm not that much of a fan of cars but this one looks so cool, like a combination of other kind of appliances mixed with a car...
cute as a bug!
luccia : hahah..good imagination, something out of kitchen
Bob : i would trade to be in Barcelona anytime !
Nicola : ente? hmmm..
misstango : that's female herbie :p
thank you all for stopping by :)
the picture is phenomenal. Guess you've been playing round with Adobe, or something?;-) Like the contrast. Good stuff!
I am also a fan of "pimp my ride", I love the colors of this car and the "2CV" model. Too bad they don't make these anymore.
you wouldn't believe this but as I was heading to work today, I saw a car that just might well be older model than that - can you believe that? any older and you would have a person using his feet to propel the car forward!
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