Tuesday, June 05, 2007

#365 - I made it!!!

March 2006 I stumbled upon Kuala Lumpur DP and that's when I jumped into the wagon of daily photo blogging. Boy, did I underestimated the commitment required to be a member of this wonderful community.
In the past 15 months, I eat, drink and sleep daily photo..some days better than others. It didn't matter now 'cos I made it! Can even proundly say that I learned so much about Szentes, more than my partner (who was born and bred in this town..ok, he was away for military school and collage). That's not all, I get to read so many interesting documents of different ways of life of your respective cities...oh, not forgetting, I also got to read some nice poetries(haiku) along the way:)
With this, I'm ready to announce that I'll withdraw from daily posting and from the listing. So, today is my last day of posting for CDP. I'll still update this blog but more for my own reference. There are a few topics that I wish to continue to pursue, in relation to restoration works that I've been following.
Thank you Eric! Thank you everyone for making this such a memorable experience!
ps. I have made a flash gallery of some of my favourites below. Scroll down if you wish to see it. Clicking on the photo will lead you to the specific post.


Olivier said...

365 posts, 365 jours, grace à DP on decouvre sa propre ville, et on profite pour faire un tour du monde journalier (ce qui est tres agreable). Bravo pour tes 365 posts, tes photos sont superbes, un plaisir de faire un detour chaque jour dans cette petite ville d'Hongrie. Tres belle derniere photo, tres nostalique. En esperant que tu reviendras souvent quand meme. A bientot mister Kris.

365 posts, 365 days, thanks to DP his own city is discovered, and one profits to make a turn of the daily world (what is very pleasant). Cheer for your 365 posts, your photographs are superb, a pleasure of making a turning each day in this small town of Hungary. Very beautiful photo, very nostalic last. By hoping that you will return often nevertheless. So long mister Kris

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes on your other pursuits. Restoration sounds interesting. You will have to report back in a couple of weeks and let us know how it is going. I suspect that I'm addicted to posting a photo daily and if I tried to stop I would go into withdrawal ... If you are interested in placing your photos into re-run let me know. They could be imported to WordPress then scheduled to post automatically.

photowannabe said...

Well Kris, I do understand but I will miss all the fascinating posts you have done every day (or so)
Please come back every once in a while to let us know how you are doing.

Emilieee said...

Kris, congrats with the 365th posts. Your photos have certainly inspired me to see the world in a different perspective. And I do understand how big the commitment is to be a member of DP community. Even me myself has underestimated it.

Good luck with your future undertaking and do post some photos once in a while :))

Looking forward to your next update. :D

Anonymous said...

You and your photography will be missed. Keep in touch if you can.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Abraham Lincoln
Two robins were fighting in my backyard and I managed to capture them in the act.
Brookville Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. You're an institution in the DP community. It felt like you were practically the founder!
I wish you the best of luck with your other projects--I'd particularly love to hear about anything on restoration so please drop me a line now and then.
Thank you so much for all your kind comments and posts over the year...I don't know if I'll make it to 365...
I feel like I am already missing Szentes and I've never been.
All the best,

第一辆面包车 said...

Kris, Congratulations. Through your lens and eye for the fascinating, you took me back daily to my home town. Over the last few months, my Mom, in Szentes, has become an avid fan of your art too. We will sorely miss the daily feat. Thanks for your kind responses to our comments. Looking forward to reading about your future projects. Best of luck.

iBlowfish said...

Congrats, and best of luck for you next future project.

Anonymous said...

will miss you terribly! Good luck!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Oh After Edwin (Kuala Lumpur DP), today Kris. It's raining here maybe because heaven is in tears... Your DP was in my blogroll and your comments in my heart. Thank you Kris and good luck. Hugs !!!!

Dijah said...

After Edwin,its you!I'm going to miss your pictures on Szentes-a lot,and I'll be missing you too!It's been a nice experience looking at Szentes through your eyes,Kris.As Emily says,do blog once in a while!

Have a nice weekend Kris.

Ampang DP

Kalyan Panja said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, and honestly we will be missing your lovely photos from your city, but still hope to catch you on this blog regularly...It was a memorable journey along with you with some of your fabulous pics...keep going & stay well!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a pity. I have come (still very new) and you go ... but I hope not forever. I do hope that you go on posting from time to time. All the best, Kris.

mad said...

That's quite an achievement! Good luck on your future projects. Maybe you can write a daily haiku thingy.

Anonymous said...

how could I say this, but you were my first friend in DP community. I hope, I can keep touch and here about you now and then. when I think this project, you are always a big part of it.
I love you1

Anonymous said...

Well done. Thank you for your work. I have enjoyed seeing your photos over the past year.

Lavenderlady said...

We will miss you!

JaamZIN said...

Dear Kris, we will miss you very much. Your site has been the only DP from Hungary when I joined, so in a way I always considered your site as a brother (ok better to say sister) site of mine. I will really miss a lot of your creative shots!

alice said...

I'll miss you, dear Kris...but i'm happy to have had the opportunity to "meet" you. Au revoir!

maiylah said...

hi, Kris!
hmmmm ... wonder what's up with you these days? it's already june .... so did the "Plan" push through? ;)))

take care always, Kris
don't forget to send a message or two ... or three ... or four ... or (well, you get the drift)! :)

kuanyin333 said...

Aloha Kris! Congratulations on all your wonderful photos!

~tanty~ said...

Oh Kris, I will miss you and your photos so much.
Thanks a million for your very nice comments on my blog.
Big hugs.

Kate said...

Oh Kris! I,too, am one of your many fans. Your posts have been both fun and informative and you have helped me in so many other ways, too. Go well and stay well. Come back now and then for a visit!

Monsieur Pain d'épices said...


エスタ said...

Nice One! And I have been enjoying your photos! Are you still going to post photos here? I do hope so! Esther

Jazzy said...

Hi Kris,
I'm a bit slow with visiting CDP and only tonight I learned that SDP has came to the end. I'm sorry to hear that and at the same time understand how it can be a burden for everyday posting and especially commenting since I have been busy lately and wasn't able to make rounds of CDP.
I'm glad that you will still be present in the blog community! Hope you got my mail with banana cake, it was delicious.
**Congratulations** for 1 year of Szentes DP and hope to see you soon on these pages.
Jazzy xx

Lisi said...

Hey Kris, I'm quite a bit late here but how are u buddy, enjoying summer? One of these days I'm going to find a Chow Kwui Teoy in Shanghai and show it to you...miss that Edwin guy too. Take care and enjoy summer...

GMG said...

Well Kris, sorry to be so late here, but wanted to say how I can understand you: that's one of the reasons I couldn't commit for a photo a day, furthermore of just one town...
Anyhow, hope enjoy your time and would love to see you around

Waldo Oiseau said...

Kris, congratulations on reaching the 365 milestone. I still have a LONG way to go, so you're quite an inspiration.

I appreciate your images so much because it's clear you took the time to really capture something beautiful each time.

Best wishes to your other pursuits!!

Jazzy said...

hi Kris, hope you're having great summer and relaxing somewhere on the beach drinking a cocktail and thinking of us ;)
it would be great to see you back!

Anonymous said...

well it was always a pleasure to pop in every now and then and see some of the interesting things you've been up to. Do take care :)

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