Another one of those surprises. Usually we'd see horse carriages on and off but never a horse rider before. It happened so fast; I didn't have time to frame the shot nicely. Still am satisfied with the result especially seeing that smile from the rider :)
Very good result caused it's very clear photo...Doesn't matter everyone knew already the face of a horse but to captured a moving object in CLEAR result is SOMETHING!
Great capture Kris! I like the way he's smiling :)
You lucky girl.It's not every day you get a shot like that ;]
Have a great week!
Excellent capture indeed!
Nice photo. Was there something special going on?
Nice rider too!
he does look rather cute!!! :)
Nice shot. The essence was captured and that is all that is important to me.
Abraham Lincoln's kidney stone attack...
I rolled on the floor, puked, screamed, and passed out. When I woke up the neighbor was gone.
Brookville Daily Photo
The rider is so cute! Love this pic.
Kris, wanted to tell you how "sillily" excited I was to meet a friend of a friend this weekend. He is a post-doc student at Clemson and is from Hungary. I showed him your blog and he knows your town. :) (I still can't pronounce it right, but I'm better than before.) He said he is from a nearby town that starts with a G. It sounds to my ear like it starts with a U, but that is just my English perspective. I can't remember how to spell the rest of the town. Sorry! :( Anyway, he said you are on or near the boarder of Romania. It was really fun hearing about your area in person. :) Cheers!
Nice shot, Kris! Indeed he's a sexy rider ;)) Tee hee..
Nice capture Kris. I see he has the spurs and chaps. He is ready to do some serious riding or just trying to make the ladies swoon.
no ladies behind him but a few cyclists :D
hahahaah..i didnt say the "s" word ;)
wow, what a conincidence! hahah..the world is indeed getting smaller.
The town's name, my partner's guess was Gyula (U-la..ah its!!) Yes, we are quite near to the Romanian boarder.
Gosh, i hope everything is fine with you..
normally no one visits my flickr site but the photo attracted 9 views..hahah that says alot!
as far as i know, nope! we were strolling, the streets were near empty due to sunday then he came
i do consider luck on my side..but never with lottery :p then again i never gamble anyway ..heheh
Thanks all for your visits!
nice photo, and what a lovely young man...!
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