Wednesday, July 26, 2006

137km from szentes...

some info. outside Szentes..
The much awaited CowParade has finally started in Budapest! It's a pity that the most impressive design (IMHO) , the "melting cow" has been damaged and sent to the cow hospital for repair. The design apparently has "upsets locals, inspires vandals" quote from the newspaper-BudapestSun *roll eyes* (read the article to understand why am rolling eyes) .
Anyhow, in the absent of my fave cow, here's a Rubic Cow :)

*thanks for letting me share this piece of info.


Monsieur Pain d'épices said...

la vache rumiscube une idée nouvelle tres sympathique voir a mes yeux marante...
bon mercredi...

Lisi said...

Kris, I'm sooooo glad that you're back! Hey, that's cool Cow ;-)

Jazzy said...

How great - 'controversial cow' it's a shame the people don't appreciate art as it is and on the other hand the art is great because it's always been thought provoking.
This Rubik cow is very Hungarian and it's just great.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm why controversial cow? But this cow looks good :) Very original!

Kris said...

jazzy : yes, goodness sake its art! *frustrated 'cos i didnt get to see it while i was there*

Lisi : good to back! i miss all of you ;)

Terra : Good wednesday to you,too!

Thank you all for visiting!

Kala said...

I guess I do not understand the cow controversy since this i pretty kewl art work!!!

Annie said...

This design is a first-time-see for me. I've seen cows in other cities, but never a Rubic Cow. The artist was clever.

Oleanderman said...

A Rubik Cow? Spectacular!

maiylah said...

interesting-looking cow! i wonder if you can align the colors.. *grin*
the melting cow might make some people look away, i guess, because of the "popsicle stick". LOL!!!
but really, it's "just art"!! :D

Natalie said...

I just don't understand why someone would vandalize a cow. Well, the rubiks' cow is pretty cool.

jenni said...

rolling my eyes with ya, Kris! I thought the melting cow was a wonderfully original idea. Having lived in NYC when the cows came home, I love seeing what they do in Hungary! From the few I've seen, I'd say they are even better than those that I saw in NYC.

edwin s said...

oh dear lord! that's take me a lifetime to figure out! the cube itself was tough and now a cow too! and you say no interesting things in Szentes.

I'll be heading to Putrajaya, for you of course, and if I can wake up early enough, Petaling Street. Need to stock up on shots before I go down S'pore. Or maybe I'll just stop and take a break for those weeks. damn tension lately!

oh, make sure you visit KLDP on Sunday k?

Kris said...

heheh.. i received one cubic last year for my name day and its on the shelf unsolved! hello the parade is happening in Budapest lah, bukan Szentes! :D

good, good show us Petaling St. in the morning, go for dim-sum,too Looking forward!

Jane : glad you have a clearer picture now ;)

Jenni : i thank you on behalf of the artists!

natalie : the hands got ichy?

maiylah : yeah, i guess if the organiser have been more considerate, the removal wouldnt have happened :(

kala and annie : pretty cool, indeed!

thank you all for visiting!

Juggerpix said...

He he he... at first I thought this was a Picasso Cow, but suppose a Rubick's is still cubist.

To bad others had to vandalize the other cow. People are silly at times.

midnitebara said...

what is it between europe and cows??? never heard of a cow fest or parade here in my side of the globe .

nice shot, by the way!
have a nice day!

Sally said...

So funny Kris - love the rubik's cow better than that maddening puzzle!

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